TrekGEO > Mineral Trail > Kanto region > Tochigi pref. > Hikida Mine

Japanese page

Hikida Mine

Hikida, Kanuma city, Tochigi pref., Japan


Moderately high-T hydrothermal deposit

Moderate temperature hydrothermal deposit. The deposit was produced in shale of Kurohone-Kiryu Complex, a member of Jurassic accretionary complex of Tamba-Mino-Ashio Belt. The Kaolinite-Siderite ore in the deposit suggests that the deposit was formed from neutral to alkaline fluid.

Reported Minerals

Mineral Assemblages

  • Quartz(Gangue) - Galena - Sphalerite - Pyrite
  • Quartz(Gangue) - Kaolinite - Siderite

Details of the mine

Two major deposits, main deposit and Iwahana deposit, were mined.


  • 1938: Started to mine.
  • 1945: The mine was closed.
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