Usami, Ito city, Shizuoka pref., Japan
Phenocryst of andesite of the Late Pleistocene (0.9 - 0.4 Ma) Usami volcano, and cryatals in its xenoliths.
Outcrop of andesite. Most of the outcrop is composed of andesite. The concaved parts are weathered xenolith.
Reported Minerals
- Anorthite
- Forsterite
- Hypersthene
- Hornblende
- Tridymite
- Ilmenite
Mineral Assemblages
- Andesite (Host) - Anorthite - Hornblende - Hypersthene - Forsterite
- Xenolith (Host) - Tridymite - Ilmenite
- Mount Hijiri (Lava, Augite)
- Ikenofukuro (Lava, Hornblende)
- Lake Kuttara (Lava, Basaltic)
- Usami (Lava, Xenolith)
- Sukumo river (Dike, Basaltic)
- Tonosawa (Dike, Basaltic)
- Yaga (Dike, Augite)