TrekGEO > Tillandsia Garden > Tillandsia variabilis 'Cartago' > Seeds

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Tillandsia variabilis 'Cartago'

- Seeds -


Tillandsia variabilis 'Cargato'

May 10th, 2022

Seed pods opened and seeds were scattered approximately 5 month after it bloomed. It is extremely fast because other species of genus Tillandsia takes approximately a year to scatter seeds. 4 - 10 capsules were produced, and a capsule contained 58 - 220 seeds.

Tillandsia variabilis 'Cargato'

July 28th, 2019

10 seed pods opened at intervals of 2 days. All seeds were scattered in 20 days.

Tillandsia variabilis 'Cargato'

July 17th, 2019

A seed of Tillandsia graebeneri. The length of the seed wa 11 mm.

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