TrekGEO > Geology of Japan > Sedimentary facies > Tidal channel

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Tidal channel


Tidal inlet?

Depth of water

High tide - Ebb tide


Channels of seawater flows by rising and pulling tides. Tidal channels are formed in tidal flats, barrier islands and sand spits / longshore bars. Seawater moves from the sea side to the land side during rising tide, and from land side to sea side during pulling tide. Sands are supplied during rising and pulling tide, and mud is supplied during the slack water such as high tide. 2 pairs of sand an mud beds corresponds to the 2 tides in a day. Reef tidal channel is a variety of this.

Sedimentary facies (Sediments)

Fine sands and silt.

Sedimentary facies (Structures)

Cross stratifications associated with mud drapes, Trough cross-stratifications, and herringbone cross-stratifications.

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